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  • Flu Babi H1N1 Solusi Sanitasi Hijau Anda

    Perhatian kesehatan terbaru di Amerika Serikat dan dunia adalah flu babi, yang diberi label influenza H1N1. Ini jenis flu tertentu adalah perhatian khusus karena mulai menyebar selama musim semi dan musim panas, yang tidak khas bulan musim flu. Selain itu banyak korban jiwa akibat penyakit ini terjadi pada orang berusia 20-40 tahun. Untuk saat ini CDC dan WHO percaya bahwa kita telah menghindari wabah skala besar segera, tapi ini mungkin tidak berlangsung lama, terutama saat kita mendekati musim musim flu yang normal. Sekarang pertanyaan besarnya adalah; bagaimana kita mencegah infeksi skala besar dari flu babi di masa depan. Sebagian besar dokter dan profesional kesehatan merekomendasikan langkah yang sama yang kita lakukan untuk mencegah setiap penyakit lainnya. Tindakan ini termasuk mencuci tangan secara teratur setidaknya selama 15 detik, hindari kontak langsung dengan orang sakit dan jika Anda sakit tinggal di rumah. Kami juga disarankan untuk membatasi perjalanan ke tempat-tempat flu babi lebih umum, terutama di Meksiko dan tempat-tempat di AS di dekat perbatasan Meksiko. Dalam skala besar kita perlu bersikap proaktif dengan membersihkan daerah dengan lalu lintas tinggi baik di tempat umum maupun di bisnis. Namun kita perlu memperhatikan bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk mendisinfeksi daerah berisiko tinggi ini karena penggunaan produk ini telah melahirkan mutasi MRSA dan superbug lainnya yang telah menjadi tahan antibiotik.
    Pembersih kimia tradisional juga meninggalkan residu dan menciptakan karsinogen tingkat tinggi dan tidak selalu benar dibersihkan setelah dibersihkan. Selain itu, metode pembersihan manual meninggalkan banyak ruang untuk kesalahan manusia dan penanganan bahan kimia yang tidak tepat. Ada juga pilihan sprayer kimia yang mengiklankan kemampuan untuk membersihkan seluruh area dan disinfeksi. Namun senyawa kimia ini menciptakan karsinogen saat digunakan, dan meski tidak berbahaya, segera mereka tidak sehat. Pilihan terbaik kami adalah menggunakan gas ozon dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Ini lebih kuat dari pada klorin pemutih dan semuanya alami.
    Baru-baru ini aplikasi ozon telah terbukti efektif untuk menginaktivasi virus H1N1 Swine flu. Lihat cerita CNN ini. Selain itu ozon telah diuji di masa lalu dan berhasil menghilangkan lebih dari 99,99% bakteri dan virus berbahaya lainnya; MRSA, E. Coli, Salmonella dan Strep. Ozon juga diterapkan dalam bentuk gas yang memungkinkannya untuk menghubungi lebih banyak permukaan daripada metode pembersihan tradisional dan membersihkan semua permukaan di fasilitas apapun, tidak hanya yang terpapar seperti pembersih semprotan kimia. Manfaat lain untuk menggunakan ozon sebagai agen desinfektan dan pembersih adalah ozon beralih ke oksigen murni setelah beberapa saat, biasanya kurang dari 30 menit dalam kondisi normal dan tidak meninggalkan residu atau bahan kimia dari produk. Ozon sudah digunakan di seluruh dunia untuk membersihkan air minum, dan digunakan untuk membersihkan sebagian besar air kemasan. Hal ini juga digunakan dalam industri penyimpanan makanan untuk meningkatkan umur simpan daging, unggas dan sayuran. Sebagai alternatif alami untuk pembersih ozon adalah jawaban untuk menjaga pendekatan ramah lingkungan terhadap pandemi flu babi. Christopher Parsnow adalah lulusan cum laude dari UNC Charlotte dengan gelar di bidang Teknik Teknologi. Dia saat ini terdaftar dalam program Master of Entrepreneurship di Western Carolina University dan merupakan pemilik dan presiden Premier Ozone LLC di Charlotte, NC

  • Activated-Oksigen (Ozon) untuk Aplikasi Keamanan Pangan

    Activated-Oxygen (Ozone) for Food Safety Applications

    Activated-Oxygen is also known as Ozone.
    Ozone is the planet’s strongest oxidizer and disinfectant readily available for commercial use. It is 3,000 times faster-acting and more effective than chlorine in killing bacteria and viruses and leaves behind no residues, off flavors or tastes. Its only by-product is oxygen. Ozone is generated on-site and does not require storage of chemicals. It is 100% chemical free and “Organic” certified.
    Ozone has been used in many water treatment applications for over 100 years.
    Bottled Water — must be filled with ozonated water
    Well and Surface Water — used by public drinking water supplies throughout the world
    Commercial Pools — Olympic pools must use ozone for disinfection and oxidation
    Food Processing — used by many fruit and vegetable producers, and ready-to-eat (RTE) food packers
    Hydroponics — provides clean water to promote healthy growth
    Commercial and Residential Laundry — to reduce water, chemicals, and hot-water
    Wineries and Breweries — used to disinfect barrels tanks and other equipment
    Residential Pools — used to reduce chlorine and other standard sanitation methods

    Ozone for Food Safety
    Ozone treatments have the benefit of forming fewer undesirable by-products than chlorine treatments, such as trihalomethane, chloroform, and other dangerous compounds. It is faster-acting than chlorine and allows for adequate disinfection with short-term contact to produce.
    • A 10-second rinse with ActiveTapp can:*
    • Kill 99.99% of bacteria and viruses on contact
      • E.coli
      • Clean multi-food surfaces
      • Fresh fruit, salads, and vegetables, seafood, meats
    • Keep produce and food ingredients fresh
      • Up to three times longer, by destroying bacteria and viruses that cause spoilage
    • Remove agricultural chemical residues
    • Remove chlorine residues and its unpleasant taste from tap water
    • Eliminate use of hot water and conventional sanitizers, saving on daily operational costs


    Tips on explaining the benefits of ozone generators to homeowners

    Ozone is increasing in popularity in U.S. residential water treatment as an alternative to chlorine and potassium permanganate disinfection. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ozone for bottled water production in the 1980s, and it is now approved for food processing. The time has come for ozone to become a standard in residential water treatment as well.
    As more manufacturers develop residential ozone technologies, new options will be available to dealers and customers. One challenge dealers will face, however, is helping homeowners understand how ozone works to treat water.
    If you are knowledgable about the science surrounding ozone, explaining the process without talking over a customer’s head can be challenging. Keeping things simple is the best move. Here are some ways to have focused, easy-to-understand conversations about ozone with homeowners.
    Tell the Homeowner What Ozone Is
    Most people have heard of ozone thanks to media coverage about pollution and the ozone layer. But for many, that is where their knowledge ends. The first thing you should tell a homeowner is that ozone is nothing more than O3—three oxygen atoms bound together. 
    Residential water treatment dealer Paul Zachman of Zachman’s WaterCare in St. Paul, Minn., has field tested ozone generators for Water-Right. He says it is important to tell homeowners that ozone is a naturally occurring substance. “Ozone is generated when lightning strikes,” Zachman explained. That is why some say you can smell ozone in the air after a thunderstorm. However, this is not the most accurate description of the odor. If your customers have ever been around electric motors, they may have noticed a pungent smell—that is ozone. In fact, the word ozone is derived from the Greek word for “smell.”
    While inhaling too much ozone gas can be toxic, homeowners never will be exposed to dangerous levels from residential ozone water treatment systems.
    Tell the Homeowner How Ozone Treats Water
    To help explain how ozone treats water, you may need to go over a bit of basic chemistry with your customers. In its normal state, oxygen exists as two atoms bound together (O2). Ozone is unstable. That extra oxygen atom wants to hook up with other material, like unwanted microorganisms in water filtration systems. For the purpose of disinfecting water, ozone comes in contact with contaminants and pathogens that can damage equipment and get in the water supply. The extra oxygen atom oxidizes the contaminant and the O3 becomes O2—just plain old oxygen.
    Some ozone generators use the corona discharge method, which is similar to how lightning produces ozone. If you sell this type of system, explain to the homeowner that an electrical charge creates the ozone from oxygen in the air before it is sucked into the system through a vacuum. Other ozone-generating methods may use ultraviolet light, which is how the sun creates the ozone layer in Earth’s atmosphere.
    Ozone is a highly effective disinfectant that can eliminate and deactivate a variety of contaminants and pathogens. Zachman finds it is useful for targeting iron bacteria, which can get trapped in iron filters.
    “That is a really big problem in my area—everyone has iron bacteria to a degree,” Zachman said. “Sometimes with the more traditional systems, you [would] disassemble them ... and the pipe, the head of the iron filter, would just be clogged. I’m basically using it to prevent the iron bacteria from colonizing in my filtration equipment.”
    Explain the Benefits of Ozone to the Homeowner
    Safety is probably the biggest benefit of using ozone. It is an ideal substitute for chlorine or potassium permanganate.
    “[Safety] was my concern, having used both potassium permanganate and chlorine feeders. [With those disinfectants] there’s a chance of some type of mechanical malfunction,” Zachman said. With potassium permanganate, he was concerned blue water could start coming out of a homeowner’s faucet and a young child would think it was Kool-Aid. 
    When used as a disinfectant, chlorine can leave behind byproducts called trihalomethanes (THMs), which are known carcinogens. Ozone does not produce any byproduct other than pure oxygen. Because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency imposes strict regulations on THM levels in domestic water, ozone is becoming the disinfectant of choice for many municipal water treatment plants as well.
    Ozone’s short half-life, which is believed to be less than 30 minutes, makes it even less of a risk to homeowners. “Then it fades away after that point, or expends its energy and becomes regular oxygen,” Zachman said.
    Ozone generators also can make life easier for customers because they will not need to change chemicals—the ozone is created on site. The ozone generator also helps keep customers’ equipment running smoothly. “Basically, what ozone does for me is make the equipment perform better than it did before,” Zachman said.
    Homeowners may ask about specific health benefits of ozonated water. There may be some advantages pertaining to ozone and health; however, at this point these claims are not substantiated. While the FDA approves the use of ozone as a water disinfectant, it has not yet approved it for any sort of medical or therapeutic purpose. 
    Let the Homeowner Know What to Expect
    Homeowners may notice a difference in water’s appearance when ozonated water first comes out of the faucet. “If you look at it closely, there are lots of microscopic bubbles that make it look like there’s almost a cloud in the glass,” Zachman said. “Then these bubbles come to the top and gas off and the water is nice and clear again.”
    That happens with any type of aeration, but can be more noticeable with ozone. Zachman suggests talking with customers before they wrongly assume it is a problem. 
    “Most people are not bothered by it at all, as long as they know it’s going to do that,” he said. “But you’re opening the door to a lot of questions if you haven’t answered that. I just tell them before they ask.”
    Remind customers that oxygen helps drinking water smell and taste better. In the end, water that is cleaner and better tasting is what every homeowner really wants.
  • Understanding Ozone for your home

    Ozone faucets, ozone in my home, ozone tap, ozone disinfect, kill bacteria

    Ozone expert Guy Gruett takes a deep dive into what ozone is and how it works. There is a real barrier of understanding of what ozone is “Most people are not bothered by it at all, as long as they know it’s going to do that (disinfect water)”, according to Guy.
    Setting expectations
    Many ozone owners notice that their faucets or generators cause a difference in the water’s appearance. If you look closely there are lots of microscopic bubbles that almost look like a cloud in the glass. When you wait a few moments the gas come off and the water is clear again. Guy explains, “that happens with any type of aeration, but can be more noticeable with ozone.”
    Health benefits
    There are some health benefits but they have not been proven is any scientific study, as Guy points out “While the FDA approves the use of ozone as a water disinfectant, it has not yet approved it for any sort of medical or therapeutic purpose”. This also takes a lot of time and money to prove where these resources are often directed at finding drug related cures unfortunately like cancer drugs rather than possible preventative measures that could fit within your everyday life.
    Chemical free with ozone
    The main benefit of ozone is that it is an ideal substitute for chlorine potassium permanganate that is used to disinfect water by the municipality.
    There are also inherent risks “potassium permanganate or blue water could start coming out of a homeowner’s faucet and a young child would think it was Kool-Aid” if there was a mechanical malfunction Gary remarked.
    Chlorine is toxic after all and leaves behind byproduct called trihalomethanes (THMs), which are known carcinogens.
    “Because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency imposes strict regulations on THM levels in domestic water, ozone is becoming the disinfectant of choice for many municipal water treatment plants as well.”

    Ozone Benefits
    Ozone doesn’t have any harmful by products and reverts back to oxygen automatically.
    “Ozone’s short half-life, which is believed to be less than 30 minutes, makes it even less of a risk to homeowners. Then it fades away after that point, or expends its energy and becomes regular oxygen” explained the expert.
    Ozone also makes life simpler because there isn’t a need to buy chemicals to replenish them. Ozone is produced in your own home with a generator and runs on electricity and oxygen, the only two ingredients to disinfect water.
    How does ozone work
    To understand how ozone works you need a basic chemistry lesson.
    Gary outlines “In its normal state, oxygen exists as two atoms bound together (O2). Ozone is unstable. That extra oxygen atom wants to hook up with other material, like unwanted microorganisms in water filtration systems. For the purpose of disinfecting water, ozone comes in contact with contaminants and pathogens that can damage equipment and get in the water supply. The extra oxygen atom oxidizes the contaminant and the O3 becomes O2—just plain old oxygen.”
    There are two ways to make ozone. Through a corona discharge which is similar to how ozone is made when lightening occurs or ultraviolet light, which uses the sun ’s rays to creates the ozone that also protects the earth’s atmosphere.
    What is ozone
    “Most people have heard of ozone thanks to media coverage about pollution and the ozone layer. But for many, that is where their knowledge ends.” according to Gary. Ozone is formed when oxygen is activated and three molecules bond together temporarily and have powerful cleaning abilities.
    Ozone is safe
    Ozone is increasing in popularity in U.S. residential water treatment as an alternative to chlorine and potassium permanganate disinfection. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ozone for bottled water production in the 1980s, and it is now approved for food processing. The time has come for ozone to become a standard in residential water treatment as well.
    As more manufacturers develop residential ozone technologies, new options will be available to customers.

  • Bagaimana ozon bisa mengurangi klorin di kolam Anda

    Air yang berbau seperti air, tidak berbau. Tidak banyak yang sadar bahwa air kolam tidak harus sangat tertutup dengan bahan kimia beracun seperti klorin. Air sehat dan alami yang segar sangat banyak kenyataan dengan ozon. Mereka yang sensitif terhadap bahan kimia akan menikmati kolam ozon lebih banyak karena mengurangi penggunaan bahan kimia dan biaya operasi yang keras. Digunakan bersamaan dengan perawatan kimia kolam tradisional, ozonator menyediakan sistem pengolahan air alami yang dapat secara efektif meningkatkan kinerja bahan kimia, sementara pada saat yang sama menghilangkan efek samping yang tidak menyenangkan yang seringkali banyak memanfaatkan kolam dan spa. Sistem ozon yang terpasang dengan baik akan menghilangkan bau kimiawi, menyediakan air bersih yang lebih aman, dan pada saat yang sama mengurangi konsumsi kimiawi kolam renang. Ozon akan meningkatkan kolam renang atau air spa Anda, membuatnya lebih aman, mudah perawatannya, dan kesenangan untuk digunakan.

    Chlorine: the good and the bad

    Chlorine is the most universally used chemical in swimming pools and weather we like it or not it is likely to be around for some time yet.
    Chlorine is both a good sanitizer, and a powerful oxidizer, but these processes can unfortunately produce by-products that are unhealthy, unpleasant, and for these reasons, unpopular. Some of these unwanted by-products can be reduced by using Bromine, but not completely.
    The contaminants that are found in pools can generally be classified as Organic, Inorganic, or Microbiological. Organic contaminants are recognized as body wastes such as perspiration, body oil, urine or nasal secretions, sunscreen creams etc, or introduced organic debris. When chlorine oxidises organic contaminants, chlorinated organics (THM’s) can be produced. Some of these are known carcinogens, and therefore most undesirable. Oxidation of nitrogenous waste matter (body wastes, sweat etc) can cause the formation of Chloramines. These are the products that cause the familiar “swimming pool smell” and are the source of the unpleasant chemical side effects such as stinging eyes, ear and skin irritations, among others.
    Considering that the human body can absorb half a litre of pool water every hour, you would want to swim in safe, chemical free water. The “good news” is that these unwelcome by-products can be controlled with the correct use of Ozone in your pool or spa.

    Ozone: the natural alternative

    This is because Ozone is a much more powerful oxidizer than Chlorine, and much faster acting (about 3000 times faster). If used in conjunction with these chemicals, Ozone is able to oxidize these contaminants harmlessly before the chlorine is able to do so, thus purifying your pool or spa water to mountain-spring quality, while still preventing unwanted effects of chlorine oxidations. Ozone should therefore be employed as the primary oxidizer and another chemical, such as Chlorine or Bromine, used as a back-up “residual” sanitizer. The difference now is that the chemicals are added to already oxidized water, so that Chloramines are prevented from forming in the first place.

    Ozone with other sanitation systems

    An ozone system works very well in synergy with salt water chlorinators, copper-silver ionisers and UV systems. These 'dual sanitation' systems offer much better water quality due to the strong oxidizer contribution from the ozone.

    The ozone equipment

    Novozone manufactures a wide range of ozonators for spa pools, swim spa’s, domestic and commercial swimming pools. Learn more.

    The installation

    An ozone system is easily installed or retrofitted by your pool builder or service person. The ozonator is fixed on a wall near the rest of the pool equipment and a venturi injector is installed in the pool return line. Whenever the pool pump is running ozone is drawn into the water where it oxidizes any contaminants in the water.
  • Ozone Generators in Aquaculture

    Pendahuluan Penyakit bakteri dan virus menimbulkan masalah serius pada akuakultur semi intensif dan intensif. Penggunaan air permukaan dalam sistem aliran-melalui merupakan risiko kontaminasi dengan memperkenalkan mikroorganisme patogen yang ditularkan melalui air. Kontaminasi tersebut mengakibatkan kerugian besar dalam akuakultur di seluruh dunia, dan juga membatasi kemajuan dalam pertanian komersial spesies akuakultur baru. Beberapa operasi komersial mungkin diperlukan untuk mendisinfeksi air buangan mereka sebelum dilepaskan ke lingkungan perairan. Perhatian serius adalah cara diandalkan untuk mengendalikan patogen yang ada di air masuk. Disinfeksi oleh ozonation atau UV-iradiasi adalah dua metode yang sering diterapkan dalam akuakultur. Penting untuk membedakan antara desinfeksi air makeup (beban organik rendah) dan sirkulasi sistem akuakultur (RAS) perairan.

     Kedua aplikasi tersebut dibahas dalam bab ini. Disinfeksi oleh ozonisasi dan penyinaran UV juga digunakan dalam aplikasi akuakultur lainnya, misalnya, mengurangi atau menghilangkan patogen potensial yang terkait dengan mangsa hidup seperti rotifera dalam sistem produksi larva laut, dan desinfeksi permukaan telur ikan.

     Diskusi mengenai hal ini dan halaman selanjutnya akan berfokus pada penggunaan ozon dalam akuakultur.

    Pengolahan Air Ozon untuk Akuakultur Ozon telah banyak digunakan dalam akuakultur karena memiliki laju reaksi yang cepat, menghasilkan sedikit produk sampingan berbahaya di air tawar dan oksigen dihasilkan sebagai produk akhir reaksi. Ozon adalah oksidan yang sangat reaktif dan bakterisida dan virisida yang sangat efektif. Ozon juga dapat digunakan untuk mencapai peningkatan kualitas air melalui mikroflokulasi partikel halus (membuat partikel yang mudah diatur atau disaring) dan mengoksidasi molekul organik yang tidak dapat terurai (menciptakan molekul organik yang lebih kecil dan lebih terurai), nitrit, dan molekul organik tahan api (mengurangi warna air) (Summerfelt dan Hochheimer, 1997; Summerfelt et al 1997).

     Penerapan ozon ke akuakultur memerlukan generasi ozon, transfer ozon ke larutan, waktu kontak untuk ozon untuk bereaksi dan disinfeksi, dan mungkin perusakan ozon untuk memastikan tidak ada residu ozon yang masuk ke dalam tangki biologis (Summerfelt dan Hochheimer, 1997).

     Link berikut akan membawa Anda ke halaman yang melanjutkan diskusi tentang penggunaan ozon dalam akuakultur:


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    Flu Babi H1N1 Solusi Sanitasi Hijau Anda

    Perhatian kesehatan terbaru di Amerika Serikat dan dunia adalah flu babi, yang diberi label influenza H1N1. Ini jenis flu tertentu ada...

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